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Home » Prepositions : 15 ways to use ‘BY’ in English

Prepositions : 15 ways to use ‘BY’ in English

Prepositions  15 ways to use ‘BY’ in English

Prepositions are an essential part of the English language, providing us with the ability to express relationships between words and phrases. One of the most versatile prepositions in English is ‘by.’ In this article, we will explore 15 different ways to use ‘by’ in various contexts, showcasing its flexibility and importance in everyday communication. So, let’s dive in and discover the many uses of ‘by’!

1. Indicating Means or Method

One primary use of ‘by’ is to indicate the means or method for doing something. For example:

  • She painted the picture by using watercolors.
  • The book was written by a famous author.
  • I traveled to the office by car.
  • She communicates with her friends by texting.

In these examples, ‘by’ shows the instrument, tool, or method used to accomplish a particular action.

2. Denoting Agent or Doer

The prepositions ‘By’ is also used to denote the agent or doer of an action. It is commonly used in passive sentences, where the subject is not acting directly. For instance:

  • My mother baked the cake by following her grandma’s recipe
  • Alex wrote the report by researching for days
  • Leonardo da Vinci created the painting by using a groundbreaking technique
  • The dog ate the cake by devouring it in seconds

In these sentences, ‘by’ introduces the person or thing responsible for the action.

3. Expressing Time

‘By’ can be used to express time, indicating a deadline or a specific point in time. Consider the following examples:

  • Please submit your assignment by Friday.
  • The train is scheduled to arrive by 8 AM.
  • By next week, I will have finished this project.
  • By the time I arrived, the party was over. (Note: This refers to a future point in the past)

In these cases, ‘by’ sets a time limit or indicates the expected time of arrival.

4. Indicating Location

When used with location, ‘by’ can indicate proximity or position. Here are a few examples:

  • The café is located by the river.
  • The house is surrounded by trees.
  • Please sit by me at the table.
  • There’s a beautiful park located by the lake. (Note: “Next to” is more common in some cases)

In these sentences, ‘by’ shows the nearby or surrounding area.

5. Demonstrating Proximity

‘By’ can also be used to demonstrate proximity or closeness. Consider the following examples:

  • The store is right by the park.
  • The hotel is close by.
  • The store is located by the mall.
  • Their house is by the beach.

In these sentences, ‘by’ indicates the close proximity of one thing to another.

6. Showing Accompaniment

‘By’ can be used to show accompaniment, indicating that someone or something is with another person or object. For example:

  • She always goes to the gym by her best friend.
  • The dog is always by my side.
  • She entered the party by her friend’s side.
  • He went to the concert by his sister’s invitation.

In these sentences, ‘by’ demonstrates the presence or companionship of one entity with another.

7. Indicating Manner

‘By’ can also indicate manner or style. It shows how an action is performed or the way in which something is done. Consider these examples:

  • He solved the problem by thinking creatively.
  • She expressed her emotions by writing poetry.
  • She solved the puzzle by thinking outside the box.
  • They traveled through the jungle by moving carefully and quietly.

In these sentences, ‘by’ highlights the manner or approach used in performing an action.

8. Expressing Measurement

‘By’ can express measurement or quantity. It indicates the unit or standard used to measure something. For instance:

  • The room is 10 feet by 12 feet.
  • The recipe requires 2 cups of flour by weight.
  • Milk is often sold by the gallon in the US.
  • Tickets are priced by age at this museum.

In these examples, ‘by’ denotes the dimensions or quantity of something.

9. Indicating Exchange

We can use ‘by’ to indicate an exchange or substitution. It shows what is given or received in return for something else. Consider these examples:

  • I will trade my toy car by your action figure.
  • He paid for the meal by using his credit card.
  • She bought the painting by trading her old sculpture.”
  • He acquired the rare book by swapping it for a first edition comic.

In these sentences, ‘by’ indicates the exchange or substitution that takes place.

10. Demonstrating Purpose

‘By’ can demonstrate purpose or intention. It shows the reason or objective behind an action. For example:

  • She studied hard by aiming for a good grade.
  • He saved money by planning for his future.
  • You can unlock the door by using this key.
  • He improved his skills by practicing every day.

In these sentences, ‘by’ highlights the purpose or intention behind a particular action.

11. Indicating Identity

‘By’ can be used to indicate identity or attribution. It shows the source or origin of something. Consider these examples:

  • A famous artist created the painting by using their signature technique
  • A renowned journalist authored the article by conducting thorough research
  • We call him Alex by using his first name
  • She goes by the nickname ‘Sunny.

In these sentences, ‘by’ indicates the person or entity responsible for creating or producing something.

12. Expressing Proportion or Ratio

‘By’ can express proportion or ratio, indicating the relationship between two quantities. For instance:

  • The recipe calls for a 3:1 ratio of flour to sugar by weight.
  • The votes were counted, and the proposal passed by a margin of 3 to 1.
  • The students outnumbered the teachers by 5 to 1.
  • The map scales down the actual distance by a ratio of 1 to 100.

In these examples, ‘by’ denotes the relationship or proportion between two quantities.

13. Indicating Condition

‘By’ can indicatecondition or circumstance. It shows the condition under which something happens or is true. Consider these examples:

  • By working hard, you can achieve your goals.
  • By following the instructions, you can assemble the furniture.
  • By following these instructions, you will complete the task successfully.
  • You can achieve better results by practicing regularly.

In these sentences, ‘by’ indicates the condition or circumstance that needs to be met for a particular outcome.

14. Expressing Authority or Authorization

The prepositions ‘By’ can express authority or authorization, indicating the person or entity responsible for giving permission or approval. For example:

  • The manager approved the project by signing it
  • The board of directors decided by voting on it
  • The CEO signed the document by finalizing the approval process
  • By the power vested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife.

In these sentences, ‘by’ highlights the authority or authorization behind a particular decision or action.

15. Indicating Price or Cost

Lastly, ‘by’ can indicate the price or cost of something. It shows the amount of money required to purchase or obtain something. Consider these examples:

  • The book is available for purchase by $20.
  • She buys her groceries by the pound.
  • They sell the apples by the kilogram
  • You can rent the equipment by the hour.

In these sentences, ‘by’ denotes the price or cost associated with a particular item or service.


The preposition ‘by’ is a versatile and essential part of the English language. The preposition ‘by’ serves as a versatile tool to indicate means, method, agent, time, location, proximity, manner, measurement, exchange, purpose, identity, proportion, condition, authority, and price.”By understanding the different uses of ‘by,’ you can enhance your English language skills and communicate more effectively. So, keep practicing and exploring the diverse applications of ‘by’ in your everyday conversations and writing!

Remember, mastering prepositions like ‘by’ is crucial for achieving fluency and accuracy in English. So, don’t hesitate to incorporate these various uses of ‘by’ into your language repertoire. Happy learning!

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. Q: Can ‘by’ be used as a conjunction?
    • A: No, ‘by’ primarily functions as a preposition in English.
  2. Q: Can ‘by’ be used to indicate possession?
    • A: No, ‘by’ doesn’t show possession. Instead, it introduces the agent doing the action.
  3. Q: Is ‘by’ always followed by a noun or pronoun?
    • A: We can use ‘by’ followed by an -ing verb form to indicate the means or method of an action.
  4. Q: Can ‘by’ be used to express purpose?
    • A: Yes, ‘by’ can be used to demonstrate purpose or intention behind an action.
  5. Q: Can ‘by’ be used to indicate location?
    • A: Yes, ‘by’ can indicate location by showing proximity or position

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